Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saltwater Disaster

So I just dipped my digital camera in the saltwater of St. Julian’s Bay in Malta and it went nuts, I fear it is toast. You might well think to yourself that is the singular most stupid thing you have ever heard, at least in modern times, hear me out however.

I have done this before, several times actually, and it worked well, albeit in lakes and rivers that were fresh water. I did hesitate a second before I did it thinking if the chemical difference in the water would really make that much of a difference and I decided if it was sealed it is sealed. It is a WR or “water-resistant” Olympus Stylus 1200 and it is not remotely new, I have used it and abused it. I did actually offer to sell it to a guy at work recently for something like $120 and then I decided, hey I still need that. Living in the greater Seattle area it is very damp here with rain and water spray out and about fishing and whatnot. It has been a good solid camera.

The water resistant feature means you can hold it under running sink water and it is fine. It is not designed to take pressure however and I know that and have never asked it to do that for me. I have put it in the water though lying right on top and making sure the lens was under and taken shots that way. I also did a half-and-half, half in and half out and that also worked quite well.

Being here in Malta it is sunny and the water was clear there was a school small fish close and I wanted a pic of them. I clicked it and when I took it out I had a serried of multicolored vertical lines down the LED screen and I thought oh-oh…
I took the battery out and my first fear was the flash card. I have checked it and it is OK. “No pictures were lost in this movie of my life’s choices”. When I got back to my hotel room I rinse dit off with fresh water and it is drying now. I still hold out a faint hope it will live again….Saturday 9/15/2012 at 12:51 pm from St. Julian’s Bay Malta at the

to be continued.........

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Malta - the exotic battle

5:30 am, the alarm goes off. I didn’t sleep well, was too excited about going to Malta. My back kinda hurts trying to stretch it out. It is supposed to be 86 degrees here in the greater Seattle area today September 7, 2012, WTF?? I hope Bud takes care of my plants and yard. We haven’t had any measurable rain for 46 days. No, that isn’t all THAT unusual in the Emerald City, we haven’t broken the record yet and the record isn’t that old. It really doesn’t rain here all that much it is just often gray more than needed.

All packed, all ready to go, looking at the clock it is 7:30 am and my ride to the airport (shuttle express here is Seattle), has said they will be here at 8 to 8:20. I figure that means 8:30 in English. I am OK with that because I discovered last night my flight has been delayed an hour. I am supposed to leave now about 1pm. So much slack time is built in now with the TSA and the fear mongers. THANK YOU GEORGE W, you idiot!!

Just called the bank for my debit card, I Almost forgot….. that might have been bad. Almost no one now uses traveler checks any more. I needed to tell them I would be out of the country. I had already talked to the Visa people but I might need some cash out of the cash machine and that is one of the bestest, easiest ways to convert money now in a foreign country.

I am packing light, only one fairly small carry on suitcase, my laptop bag and my camera. This is basically all the airline legally allows you to carry on. I learned this from Cary, (thanks Cary), travelling VERY light truly rulz the world. I remember those people we ran into in Lima, Peru and later we ran into them in a hillside street market and the airline had “lost” all their luggage, they were so screwed. I take all cotton clothes and plan on some laundry.

AH, the Shuttle Express is here exactly on time. The woman is older with blonde spiked hair, she has the leather coated smoker’s voice, and she so much reminds me of a friend, Sally. She is happy to be driving in the Duvall countryside on such a beautiful day. I feel like she is flirting and wonder how long it will be till she asks my marital status, it doesn’t take long. She needs to have her am news/talk radio on; she is addicted to the racket. I finally turn it way down. She has to turn it back up. We arrive at the wrong gate, United that is my fault, should be Lufthansa through United. We unload and she shuts the back door.

I say “I need my camera too”.  I start to walk away. She exclaims “WHAT, no gratuity?? We only make minimum wage ya know”!!

I give her a $20. She says “Can I come with you”? I say “No”.

So I have the long walk. I did print out my boarding pass at home that worked slick as hell. Long security line ahead, go figure. I get to do a new thingy, there is always a new deal at security right? Today it is the x-ray where they say “put your thumbs to your head and spread your fingers like antlers”! I think maybe the guy is shitting me so I look at his face, I can’t tell, so I do antlers. Now here I am at gate A13 and I am three hours early. I do some writing long hand, and then I think Christ I might as well drag the laptop out and plug her in!
Large loud talking man waiting here too, is getting his business wrapped up for the week and thankfully he has a blue tooth so he just bellers. I keep turning around and pointedly looking at him and so he walks about 20 feet away. I can still easily hear every single word.

Then this sneaking black dude starts walking around and weighing people’s luggage, another new wrinkle. I compare the stuff he is taking and making people check in to mine own. Yike, so I move where I am sitting to the other side, he considers this. I hear him say no carry on can weigh more than 8 kilos, 17.6 pound ain’t much homey. When we line up I stay over to the left the person who looks at my boarding pass has a badge that says “trainee”

We load up and the flight isn’t terrible. I got an outside seat so I can stand up and move around a bit. The woman sitting next to me is an Indian woman wearing a large shawl and traditional dress. When I watch a movie she watches my movie with no sound, she doesn’t use her own. She shuts her window shade and then leans way forward to look out the window on the person sitting in front of her. The service is pretty good on Lufthansa they bring nice hot wet towels to wash up (twice), two meals, many drinks and snacks, I like Lufthansa.

We get off in Frankfurt out on the field, we have to get on buses and I miss the first one. I have 30 minutes till the next flight loads; I am starting to worry time. They drive us all over way around I see my gate and they keep going why? They finally stop at a security check in, WHAT!! I just got off your plane and went through all that security crap already. Finally get through and have a really long walk, first down many stairs then a long straight stretch and then back up. Did I tell you I was sweating the time. I hate Lufthansa!

I get there and of course they are running behind there was no hurry. There is also no place to sit so 100 of us hardy travelers stand there milling around. I am OK with that I was just sitting for 10 hours wasn’t I? Their loading is chaotic. We finally take off. I am sitting in a row of three on the outside. They two women next to me are older, one has to be at least 75 or 80 and they are the loudest women I have ever sat next to. But at east they never shut up. I could tell how bad it was by the dirty looks the people in front of them were giving them.

Finally I land in Malta. It smells warm and humid, kinda deserty, North Africa like. Yellow limestone buildings and palm trees. I am looking for my ride, I walk through a row of people holding signs which say “Mark Jones” and “HOP” and various things but no Ed Peters to be had. I consult my paperwork and ask someone if he knows these people. He says to go to information, on the way over here is Mr Ed Peters sign. Yay! I go to get in the car in front and am confronted with a steering wheel. I say ‘so you guys drive on the wrong side’? He drives very fast on the wrong side.

We get to the Hotel and I am about to drop. I am so sweaty and tired and so on. I need a shower and a clothes change and a nap! The woman at the desk says “you know we do not check people in till 3pm”…it is 1. So I dropped off luggage and walked around the little harbor. I saw a moray eel dead floating on the water, the water was clear lots of baitfish. I was too hot, went back to the hotel. I asked the guy at the bar if he had anything non-alcoholic to drink, he said no. 

No iced tea I ask? He says yes, peach or lemon?