It seems that Peru, and especially Cuzco, is both very touristy and yet very genuine at the same time. We have been in Cuzco less than 24 hours and I just got up from a nap. I did take the Diamox medicine for altitude adjustment and of course I can’t really tell if it is working or not because I don’t know how I would be without it. I do know walking back up the hill from the main town square, the Plaza de Armas, I was suddenly caught off guard and out of breath. It was like it snuck up on me through a day of color and excitement and said “Ha now I have you”!
Coming in to land I wondered about the plane maneuvering through the mountains and dropping down to quickly stop. It was pretty fancy I have to say and we made some sharp turns and then landed hot—meaning very fast, I was wondering if those thrust reversers were going to be enough. Stepping off the plane at 6am or so it was brisk and refreshing but I didn’t really notice myself breathing hard. The hotel had arranged to pick us up. Driving to the hotel Lisa remarked it looked like we were “driving through a war zone”, packs of dogs roaming the streets, rubble everywhere in piles and things looking sad and depressed.
After checking in, and having a couple of cups of coca tea, we decided to walk down to the square and on the way ran into a wonderful city market which apparently is only run one day a week. I am really glad we caught it because it was the genuine thing with many older, stooped back Indian people in their traditional dress carrying and selling a variety of un-processed food stuffs. There were virtually no touristas in here and it was not for our entertainment. We could have spent much more time in here but we continued on to a large bizarre parade winding through the streets.
We didn’t get hit too much with all the vendors selling carved gourds, postcards, paintings, shoe shines, and jewelry till we hit the main square. Once they are on you it is hard to get rid of them. Also a main Item to work is for a couple girls, or women in traditional dress carrying baby lambs or goats, to say you can take their picture or have a picture with them, for a price.
We stopped at a restaurant with a balcony overlooking the square, The Andean Grill, to get a bite to eat and the waiter was very nice. I ordered possibly the worst pizza in my life, yes I know I should have my ass kicked for ordering pizza in Cuzco, it just sounded good. I bravely struggled through for a bit and then offered what was left to an old Indian man who I believe was related to the waiter and was just hanging out, he was grateful for it, good!
We did at that point go up behind the church and find the “12 angled stone”. There was a dude there expecting to be paid a small sum for telling me exactly where to stand for the perfect picture, all in good fun. We walked back and got momentarily disoriented, this was where we were both suddenly out of breath as well. We now are tucked snuggly in our room and getting ready for tomorrow’s adventure.
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